Friday 24 September 2010

Continuity Editing

Continuity Editing is where you try to make the work of the editor invisible as much as possible to help create this natural flow and let the people who are watching the TV show be immersed in the programme. It is used to grab the audience's attentions and keep them gripped with storyline, without them realising where it has been edited.
The central elements of continuity editing are:
*Establishing shot
*Shot reverse shot
*Eyeline match
*The 180 degree rule (or 'Axis of action')
*The 30 degree rule
*Cutting on action

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Preliminary Task - Video Production

For my preliminary task, I have to create a video that involves filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom they then exchange a few words. 
Doing this should show match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule. I also have to include a cutaway and 'cut in'. I should make sure that I create a smooth running video, where the audience aren't aware of where cuts have been made. (:

Preliminary Task - Video Production

Hey People :)
Welcome to my Blog :)!! My name is Amelia Smith and this is my preliminary task for Media Studies. Hope you like it ;)