Thursday, 6 January 2011

Audience Research Focus Group Meeting Analysis & Moodboard Analysis

After swapping and discussing ideas with our focus group, we decided to change some aspects of our original ideas for our film.

Firstly, after talking with our focus group, we thought it would be best to have a female main character, rather than a male as from our research, it seemed the most popular of audiences would be teenage girls and on the whole, they seem to mostly enjoy films where they can somehow relate to the goings on in it.
Another aspect we changed was the basic storyline. We were going to start off the opening showing the main character's life around college, but after asking our focus group about this, they thought that this wouldn't really introduce the character very well. We thought long and hard about how we could introduce this character better and that's when we came up with this idea of introducing her by describing her everyday movements and what makes her who she is, i.e her morning routine. The feedback from this idea was very positive and they really think it will help to introduce the genre of the film well.

We also got our focus group to give us feedback on our moodboard. Below shows an image of what we posted on Facebook to our group and one of the responses we received.

From this response, we can see that our target audience understands what our mood board is saying about the type of genre we are doing, this being a 'Chick Flick'. This proves to us that we have succeeded in portraying our film to our audience by giving them ideas as to what our film is about.

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