Thursday 6 January 2011

Basic Synopsis

Below are the final ideas for the opening of our film...

The opening that we have in mind for our film is one of where the main character (female) is a stereotypical “geek”, who doesn’t really fit in with what others in her high school are like. She has her own small group of one or two friends, but they aren’t popular either. The opening will show her everyday morning routines around her house, followed by her routine to school. It will be light-hearted, funny and will have an element of romance, as the main character will be in love with a good-looking character of the opposite gender. There will be an introduction into the life led by the main character, and will show how she obsesses over her‘perfect’ boy. We will use some comedy to show the relationship between the geek and the good-looking character, and how they live two completely different lives.

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