Tuesday 1 February 2011


We had a look around a few places where we could possibly film the opening of our film and in the end decided on the places below.

The first location we chose was Megan's bedroom and bathroom and the reason we chose this location was because it had the right type of bed to suit our filming (a bed that we can see underneath so to position the camera in the right place) and because it had the right feel to it, the same feel you get when you enter a teenage's bedroom. The bathroom was a nice light and tidy room that we felt would be perfect, as well as it also having a large mirror. 

The next two locations are settings at and around college. One will show the girl's route to college and the other will show where she gets splashed by the car, the boy emerging from the car and walking into college, followed by her walking into college. The main reason for filming this here is we thought it is a place we come to everyday, so if there is any emergency filming needing to be done later on, we haven't really got to go out of our way to film again.

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