Monday 7 February 2011


We have everything ready for the filming (7th Jan) at and around college. We have informed our main characters (Steph and Tom) to be ready at 9.00am at the entrance of college. We thought it may also be a good idea to warn them that they may need 'wet weather gear' as the forcast is looking very wet! 

When deciding what technology we'll use, we are lucky in that we have no need to 'book' a video camera from college as Megan has checked her camera with the college's editing software and it all works well together. We also knew that there would be no need for lighting equipment as we were filming outside.
Before setting out to do filming, we completed a risk assessment, which helped us analyse whether there were any major risks we were taking while filming. Overall, they were only small risks and so we were given the go ahead with our filming from our teacher and the computer technician. This risk assessment can be found on Megan's blog.

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