Monday 7 February 2011


Well filming went ahead yesterday morning. We met Steph by the entrance of college and went through what we had to do step by step. I thought Steph played her part really well, despite the interruption of the rainy weather! It was definitely a good thing to have umbrellas with us! The only problem we had with the weather was because we needed so many umbrellas up while filming, we managed to capture some of the umbrella in the filming, meaning we had to re-film several parts of the opening. However this wasn't necessarily a bad thing as we had several clips to refer to if there were any problems with the other clips. 
The only downside to our filming was Tom was unable to do the filming at this time as he was off college ill. We have therefore had to arrange another time to film his part which is a pain, but I'm sure we can fit it in sometime.

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