Tuesday, 8 February 2011


Because we managed to get quite a lot of filming done this weekend, we thought it was best that we started to upload the clips onto the computer using 'On-location' software. This was quite simple to do as the connectivity between the camera and computer was done using a fire wire lead. We simply played our recordings and selected the clips we wanted to use. A good thing we found about this was we had a lot of clips to choose from so if any didn't work, we had a back-up plan!
Once all the clips had be downloaded, we opened them up in the software 'Premiere Pro' and began to see which ones were useful and which weren't. It was at this point that I noticed some major problems with the filming we had done. Firstly, the alarm clock shots were showing different times on each and because it was a Saturday, the date was being displayed, which didn't really fit into our opening as our character wouldn't be going to college on a Saturday. There was also the problem in that our teacher felt we hadn't done enough shots to make it a 'flowing' storyline, in that, we see the female character waking up, but we don't actually see her physically getting up. We had automatically jumped to her sitting on the side of her bed and walking out the room. 

On the whole, what we thought had been a successful days shooting hadn't and we knew at this point it would probably be best to fit some emergency filming into our schedule, while we still had time.

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